HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
Text File
356 lines
* Phase-3C S P E C I F I C A T I O N S *
* Rev 1.6 30Jan88 *
* WA2LQQ *
* [ This edition was forwarded by the W0RPK-AMSAT Bulletin Board System ] *
* [ operating on 515-961-3325 24-hours Ralph Wallio, W0RPK SYSOP ] *
In 3 parts:
Part 1: Phase 3 Spacecraft Specifications
Part 2: User Station Requirements
Part 3: Ariane 4 Launcher Characteristics and Launch Site Information
The following preliminary specifications represent the latest known values for
Phase 3C. However, it is understood and assumed some values will CHANGE as
better values are obtained or as system changes are made either by intent or
by natural processes inherent in component aging, temperature changes, etc.
Part 1: Phase 3 Spacecraft Specifications
1.0 Power system
1.1 Solar Arrays 50 watts at start of life rolling off to about 35 watts
after 3 years depending on various factors.
1.2 Batteries: Primary rated at 10 Ah; auxiliary rated at 6 Ah.
1.3 Regulation by a Battery Charge Regulator (BCR)
2.0 Attitude Control and Stabilization
2.1 Type: Spacecraft is a spinner; spins on Z-axis at 10 - 60 rpm
2.2 Control: Attitude and spin rate adjusted magnetically by generation of
torque through inter-action of on-board pulsed electro-magnets
(magnetorquers) and geo-magnetic field.
2.3 Attitude determination and spin rate detection by two sun sensors
(cross slits) and earth sensor inputs to computer.
3.0 Integrated Housekeeping Unit (IHU)
3.1 Operating System: Multitasking computer running IPS system
3.2 CPU: 1802 COSMAC
3.3 Memory: Harris HS-6564RH radiation hardened memory totalling 32 kb of
error correcting memory (48 kb total).
4.0 Propulsion
4.1 On-board perigee kick motor (PKM) comprising a liquid-fueled,
bi-propellant rocket engine.
4.2 Thrust: 400 N
4.3 Specific Impulse: 293 seconds
4.4 Delta V anticipated with 142 kg spacecraft: 1480 m/s
4.5 Fuel: Aerozine 50; a 50 % blend of un-symmetrical di-methyl hydrazine
(UDMH) and hydrazine.
4.6 Oxidizer: Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O2)
4.7 Ignition system: none; hypergolic (self-igniting) fuel employed.
4.8 Pressurization: Helium; 400 Bars high side; 14 Bars low side
5.0 Transponders
5.1 Mode B: 150 kHz wide inverting linear transponder
5.1.1 Frequencies Uplink: 435.425 - 435.575 MHz Downlink: 145.975 - 145.825 MHz Beacons: General 145.8125 MHz; Engineering 145.975 MHz
5.1.2 Receive system characteristics Effective system noise temperature: ??? K (NF = ??? dB) Figure of merit: ??? dB/K (with antenna gain of 9.5 dBic)
5.1.3 Transmitter characteristics Power output: 17 dBW (50W) PEP; 11 dBW (12.5W) average Intermodulation ratio (NPR method): -23 dBr Downlink EIRP: 23dBW (200 W) PEP; 17dBW (50 W) avg (with 6 dBic gain) Downlink 3 dB beamwidth: Approximately 100 degrees
5.2 Mode JL: 250 kHz wide inverting linear transponder
5.2.1 Frequencies Uplinks:1) Mode L: 1269.575 - 1269.325 MHz
2) Mode J: 145.840 MHz +/-20 kHz or 145.450 MHz +/- 20 kHz
3) RUDAK: 1269.675 MHz Downlinks:1) Mode L: 435.725 - 435.975 MHz
2) Mode J: 435.950 MHz +/- 20 kHz
3) RUDAK: 435.675 MHz Beacon: General 435.650 MHz
5.2.2 Receive system characteristics Effective system noise temperature: 260 K (NF = 2.8 dB) Figure of merit: -12 dB/K (with antenna gain of 12.2 dBic)
5.2.3 Transmitter characteristics Power output: 17 dBW (50W) PEP; 11 dBW (12.5W) average Intermodulation ratio (NPR method): -23 dBr Downlink EIRP: 26.5dBW (446W) PEP; 20.5dBW (111W) avg (with 9.5 dBic) Downlink 3 dB beamwidth: 67 degrees
5.3 Mode S: 30 kHz wide hard limiting transponder
5.3.1 Frequencies Uplink: 435.625 MHz +/- 15 kHz Downlink: 2400.710 MHz +/- 15 kHz Beacon: None
5.3.2 Receive system characteristics Effective system noise temperature: (?) (Same as Mode B 70 cm rcvr) Figure of merit: ??? dB/K (With 9.5 dBic antenna gain)
5.3.3 Transmitter characteristics Power output: 0.97 dBW (1.25) watts continuous Downlink EIRP: 14 dBW (25 W) with 13 dBic antenna gain Downlink 3 dB beamwidth: 45 degrees
5.4.1 Frequencies Uplink: 1269.675 MHz Downlink: 435.675 MHz
5.4.2 Receive system characteristics Effective system noise temperature: 260 K (NF = 2.8 dB) Figure of merit: -12 dB/K
5.4.3 Digital rates Uplink: 2400 bps bi-phase PSK (BPSK) with 7.5 kHz RF capture range Downlink: 400 bps BPSK or 1200 bps NRZI Protocol: AX.25 version 2
6.0 Antenna Systems
6.1 2 meter antennas
6.1.1 2 meter high gain array Type: ZL special; three phased two-element beams Gain: 6.0 dBic 3dB beamwidth: 100 degrees Polarization: RHC
6.1.2 2 meter omni: monopole Type: Monopole Gain: 2.0 dBi Beam pattern: Torroidal concentric with Z-axis Polarization: Linear
6.2 70 cm antennas
6.2.1 70 cm high gain array Type: 3 phased dipoles over ground Gain: 9.5 dBic 3 dB beamwidth: 67 degrees Polarization: RHC
6.2.2 70 cm omni Type: Monopole Gain: 2.0 dBi Beam pattern: Torroidal concentric with Z-axis Polarization: Linear
6.3 24 cm antenna
6.3.1 Type: 5 turn helix
6.3.2 Gain: 12.2 dBic
6.3.3 3 dB beamwidth: 49 degrees
6.3.4 Polarization: RHC
6.4 13 cm antenna
6.4.1 Type: 6 turn helix
6.4.2 Gain: 13.0 dBic
6.4.3 3 dB beamwidth: 45 degrees
6.4.4 Polarization: RHC
7.0 Orbital Characteristics (at separation from launcher)
7.1 Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO)
7.1.1 Perigee Altitude: 222.504 km
7.1.2 Apogee Altitude: 36,076.636 km
7.1.3 Inclination: 9.997 degrees
7.1.4 Argument of Perigee: 178.148 degrees
7.1.5 Ascending Node Longitude: -135.541 degrees/lift-off
7.1.6 True Anomaly: 127.554 degrees
7.1.7 Epoch: Instant of Separation (L +4797.1 sec.)
7.1.8 Spin rate at deployment: 29.47 degrees per second
7.1.9 Separation velocity: 0.590 meters per second
7.2 Objective Phase 3C Orbit (Final orbit after 2 or 3 burns)
7.2.1 Apogee: 36,000 km
7.2.2 Perigee: 1,500 km
7.3 Inclination: Approximately 57 degrees
7.4 Argument of perigee: 178 degrees (determined by launcher)
7.5 Anomalistic period: Approx 662.4 minutes
7.6 Longitude increment: Approx 184.5 deg East per orbit
8.0 Physical Characteristics
8.1 Size
8.1.1 Diameter (diameter of encompassing circle): 1.3 m
8.1.2 Height: (Not including kick motor: Approx 0.48 m
8.1.3 Overall Height: Approx 0.68 m
8.2 Mass: 142 kg fully fueled
9.0 Major Subsystems
9.1 Integrated Housekeeping Unit (IHU)
9.2 Battery Charge Regulator (BCR)
9.3 Liquid Ignition Unit (LIU)
9.4 Propellant Flow Assembly (PFA)
9.5 Mode JL (L) Transponder
9.6 Mode B (U) Transponder
9.7 Mode S Transponder
9.8 RUDAK Transponder
9.9 Sensor Electronics Unit (SEU)
9.10 Sun sensor
9.11 Earth sensors
9.12 Solar Arrays
9.13 Perigee Kick Motor (PKM)
9.14 Propellant tank system
9.15 Helium bottle
9.16 Antenna system
9.17 Magnetorquers
9.18 Batteries
9.19 Safe/Arm system
9.20 Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) experiment
End Part 1: Phase 3 Spacecraft Specifications
Part 2: User Station Requirements
1.0 Mode B
1.1 Uplink requirements:
1.1.1 Frequency: 435.425 - 435-575 MHz
1.1.2 EIRP: 21.5 dBW for 20 dB peak and 10 dB average SNR on downlink
1.1.3 Polarization: RHC
1.1.4 Suitable uplink components: 10 watts to 12 dBic gain antenna
1.2 Downlink requirements:
1.2.1 Frequency: 145.975 - 145.825 MHz
1.2.2 Polarization: RHC
1.2.3 Minimum recommended antenna gain: 10 dBic
1.2.4 Maximum receive system effective noise temperature: 625K (NF=5.0 dB)
1.2.5 Minimum figure of merit: -18 dB/K
2.0 Mode JL
2.1 Uplink requirements:
2.1.1 Frequency: Mode L: 1269.575 - 1269.325 MHz
Mode J: 145.840 MHz +/-/20 kHz or 145.450 MHz +/- 20 kHz
2.1.2 EIRP: Mode L: 25 dBW for 20 dB peak and 10 dB average SNR on downlink
Mode J: 25 dBW for 20 dB peak and 10 dB average SNR on downlink
2.1.3 Polarization: RHC
2.1.4 Suitable uplink components: Mode L: 10 watts to 15 dBic gain antenna
Mode J: 20 watts to 12 dBic gain antenna
2.2 Downlink requirements
2.2.1 Frequency: 435.725 - 425.975 MHz
2.2.2 Polarization: RHC
2.2.3 Minimum recommended antenna gain: 13 dBic
2.2.4 Maximum receive system effective noise temperature: 290K (NF=3.0 dB)
2.2.5 Minimum figure of merit: -12 dB/K
3.0 Mode S
3.1 Uplink requirements
3.1.1 Frequency: 435.625 MHz +/-15 kHz
3.1.2 EIRP: Approx 27 dBW under average Mode B AGC conditions
3.1.3 Polarization: RHC
3.1.4. Suitable uplink components: 25 watts to 13 dBic antenna
3.2 Downlink requirements
3.2.1 Frequency: 2400.710 MHz +/- 15 kHz
3.2.2 Polarization: RHC
3.2.3 Minimum recommended antenna gain: 28 dBic
3.2.4 Typical antenna: 1.4 m dish assuming 50% efficiency
3.2.5 Maximum receive system effective noise temperature: 290K (NF=3.0 dB)
3.2.6 Minimum figure of merit: +3 dB/K
4.1 Uplink requirements
4.1.1 Frequency: 1269.675 MHz
4.1.2 EIRP: 26 dBW (400 W EIRP)
4.1.3 Typical suitable uplink: 8 watts to 17 dBic antenna
4.1.4 Polarization: RHC
4.2 Downlink requirements:
4.2.1 Frequency: 435.675 MHz
4.2.2 Typical receive antenna gain: 10 dBic for 12 dB Eb/No ratio.
4.2.3 Polarization: RHC
End Part 2: User Station Requirements
Part 3: Ariane 4 Launcher Characteristics and Launch Site Information
1.0 Launcher, General
1.1 Model Ariane 4
1.2 Flight V-22; first demonstration flight of the Ariane 4 launcher
2.0 Ariane 4 Capabilities
2.1 To GTO: 4200 kg
2.2 To heliosynchronous (800 km): 4500 kg
2.3 To LEO (200 km): 8000 kg theoretical; limited by structural design
2.4 Escape orbit: 2600 kg
3.0 General Specifications, Ariane 4, Configuration 44LP
3.1 Configuration 44LP: 2 Liquid strap-ons; 2 solid strap-ons
3.2 Mass to GTO: 3700 kg
3.3 Height: 58.4 m
3.4 Approximate lift-off mass: 471 metric tons
3.5 First stage: L220; height 23.6 m
3.5.1 Four Viking V engines Thrust (each engine): 668 kN Specific Impulse: 241 seconds (atm); 279.7 seconds (vacuum) Burn time: 204 seconds Chamber pressure: 58.5 bars Propellant system: 226 metric tons of N2O4 + UDMH + hydrazine hydrate
3.5.2 First Stage Liquid Strap-Ons Two Viking VI engines Thrust (each engine): 661 kN Specific Impulse: 241 seconds (atm); 279.7 seconds (vacuum) Burn time: 135 seconds Propellant system: 37 metric tons of N2O2 + UDMH Dimensions: Height 18.6 m; diameter 2.15 m
3.5.3 First Stage Solid Strap-Ons Two solids each with 635 kN thrust; burn time 34 seconds Propellant system: 9.5 metric tons of solid propellant
3.6 Second stage: L34; height 8.1 m
3.6.1 One Viking VI engine with 786 kN thrust (in vacuum)
3.6.2 Burn time: 123 seconds
3.6.3 Chamber pressure: 58.5 bars
3.6.4 Propellant system: 34 metric tons of N2O4 + UDMH
3.7 Third stage: H10; height 7.1 m
3.7.1 One HM7 engine with 62 kN thrust (in vacuum)
3.7.2 Burn time: 725 seconds
3.7.3 Chamber pressure: 35 bars
3.7.4 Propellant system: 10.5 metric tons of cryogenics (LOX and LH)
4.0 Approximate Launch Time Line
4.1 First Stage Burn
4.1.1 T+34 s: Solid burn out; h= 2.3 km; v= 492 m/s
4.1.2 T+137.8 s: Liquid burn out; h= 36.9 km; v= 1567 m/s
4.2 T+213 s: 1/2 Sep & 2nd ign; h= 76.2 km; v= 3256 m/s
4.3 T+297.7 s: Fairing jettisoned; h= 116.6 km; v= 4597 m/s
4.4 T+345.7 s: 2/3 Sep & 3rd ign; h= 140.8 km; v= 5838 m/s
4.5 T+1076.4s: 3rd cutoff; begin inj; h= 227.8 km; v= 10213.7 m/s
5.0 Payload Deployment Sequence (Exact timing TBS)
5.1 Jetison fairing
5.2 Deploy METEOSAT P2 spacecraft
5.3 Separate top half of SPELDA with attached Phase 3C in cylinder X
5.4 Deploy PANAMSAT from lower half of SPELDA
5.5 Separate cylinder X from top half of SPELDA
5.6 3600 seconds after 5.5, deploy Phase 3C from cylinder X.
6.0 Launch Site Facts
6.1 Location: Kourou, French Guiana
6.2 Exact ELA-2 launch pad location: 5 13' 56"N, 52 46' 32" W
6.3 Population: 11,000
End Part 3: Ariane 4 Launcher Characteristics and Launch Site Information